Bridge Color - to get from one color to another, change one, two, or three properties of the color as objects move through space; you are describing the movement of the painting not the flatness of the surface. Movement is not best done in a straight line.
Method #1
Gray-blue-violet to a Golden-orangy-green
Smush one into the other at the edges, but this becomes a dead muddy center. DON'T DO THIS!
Method #2
Gray-blue-violet to a Golden-orangy-green
Use cadmium reds and alizarin crimson as a bridge.
Become aware of when I'm going from point A (color) to point B (color) without considering what's in between (all the color combinations in between). RISE ABOVE THIS! Remember to ask "how am I getting from here to there?"
"Dancing around the gray" - using more than one bridge color
Demonstration - blue (brilliant blue + white) to "destination" orange (cadmium orange + cadmium red light) - bend around either or both sides of the color wheel. Weave the two sides together (this would be great as a sunset of blue to orange); don't "smush" it....just deliberate brush strokes; keep the values the same so you have vanishing edges.
BLUE (brilliant blue + white)
add alizarin Crimson + white to blue add brilliant green to blue
add cadmium red light add more brilliant green
add more cad red light add transparent orange
add cad red light +white+transparent orange add more transparent orange
add destination orange add destination orange
ORANGE (Cad orange + cad red light)
Method #1
Gray-blue-violet to a Golden-orangy-green
Smush one into the other at the edges, but this becomes a dead muddy center. DON'T DO THIS!
Method #2
Gray-blue-violet to a Golden-orangy-green
Use cadmium reds and alizarin crimson as a bridge.
Become aware of when I'm going from point A (color) to point B (color) without considering what's in between (all the color combinations in between). RISE ABOVE THIS! Remember to ask "how am I getting from here to there?"
"Dancing around the gray" - using more than one bridge color
Demonstration - blue (brilliant blue + white) to "destination" orange (cadmium orange + cadmium red light) - bend around either or both sides of the color wheel. Weave the two sides together (this would be great as a sunset of blue to orange); don't "smush" it....just deliberate brush strokes; keep the values the same so you have vanishing edges.
BLUE (brilliant blue + white)
add alizarin Crimson + white to blue add brilliant green to blue
add cadmium red light add more brilliant green
add more cad red light add transparent orange
add cad red light +white+transparent orange add more transparent orange
add destination orange add destination orange
ORANGE (Cad orange + cad red light)
TRANSITION is any way from A to B
BRIDGE is choosing a color to get fro A to B
** Artists to study for their transitions: Dan Pinkham; John Asaro, Ray Roberts, Sorolla, Monet in addition to David**
Step #1 - mix the secondaries because you can make them all the same values
Cadmium orange
Green ( + yellow + white)
Step #2 - Combine the secondaries toward the center
BRIDGE is choosing a color to get fro A to B
** Artists to study for their transitions: Dan Pinkham; John Asaro, Ray Roberts, Sorolla, Monet in addition to David**
Step #1 - mix the secondaries because you can make them all the same values
Cadmium orange
Green ( + yellow + white)
Step #2 - Combine the secondaries toward the center
Step #3 - Add phthalo blue, violet, white to green and bring across to orange; add alizarin crimson + yellow + "stuff" to
Step #4 - Set primaries on, the same value as secondaries
Step #4 - Set primaries on, the same value as secondaries
Additional notes:
From purple to red with quinacridone rose
Add yellow to light reds around the edge of the wheel
Add white to lighten the reds inside the wheel, often adding both yellow and white to the pile
Watch the values as you move across the center of the wheel; add white to the neutrals and stay away from the pure colors
on the edge.
From purple to red with quinacridone rose
Add yellow to light reds around the edge of the wheel
Add white to lighten the reds inside the wheel, often adding both yellow and white to the pile
Watch the values as you move across the center of the wheel; add white to the neutrals and stay away from the pure colors
on the edge.